Holiday Horizons
by Delta & Coca-Cola
Client: Delta & Coca-Cola
Agency: MKG
Creative Direction: Johan Gerdin
Art Direction & Design: Alex Mutch, Gale Tan
Copywriting: Kat Thek, David Butler
Discovery Videos: The Youth
Ambassador Videos: Nate De Young

In a year where the world shrank to the size of our homes, we worked with Delta and Coca-Cola to help people connect again. We encouraged people to broaden their horizons and let in holiday traditions from all around the world. We featured 9 different holiday traditions representing the 9 months of lockdown in 2020. Everyone who joined in to celebrate was given a chance to reconnect with someone they care about by winning tickets to travel with them to 1 of those 9 destinations, for when it’s safe to travel again.

This campaign lived primarily on Instagram where we created the instagram account @holidayhorizons that highlighted 9 different traditions with discovery and instructional videos, our favorite submissions, and of course, our winners. I worked on developing the identity framework for the campaign, worked with our partners to implement the look and feel across all touch points, designed animated and static social posts, as well as social ads. 

©Gale Tangaletan273@gmail.com2024